Welcome Back, Museum Handling Box!

You may not know this, but we have a brilliant resource available for primary schools to borrow: a handling box! It's full of props, costume bits,artefacts and a whole term's worth of lesson plans to help those hard working teachers out a wee bit. You might even be able to spot Miss Cranston's ostrich feather hat, but my personal favourite is the antique Moustache Cup. Those Victorians really did think of everything!

This term the handling box has been living at Garnetbank Primary School, and one particular lesson was very popular, according to the teacher- namely the afternoon spent sniffing all the different sorts of loose leaf tea!

Next stop for the handlng box is Hillhead Primary and a lucky class of P3s. If you are a teacher and would like to reserve it (for free- we'll even bring it to you!) then just drop us a line.