Creative Learning


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We're delighted to show off our brand new film giving viewers a glimpse of what it's like inside this internationally renowned Art Nouveau building. Originally it was going to be 60 seconds but there was so much to capture it's now twice that length! Thank you so much Alexander Waddell, our brilliant film-maker and recent graduate of our neighbours The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. Also a huge thank you to Glasgow composer Scott Twynholm for the specially commissioned music.


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We have been working with Light on The Path to support international students through the Erasmus + programme. Just before lockdown we welcomed some young trainees into the kitchen and Front of House to hone their skills and share their international outlook, and during lockdown we turned to digital learning, showcasing the building, creating workshops about Mackintosh, Glasgow and of course tea.

In the Autumn we hope to welcome in person some new students from Latvia to begin their training. If you are a teacher who works with international students (either in a vocational or academic capacity) and think Mackintosh At The Willow can be a helpful resource to your learnings, please get in touch.